If your call to our informational telephone line goes to voicemail, it is important to leave a message to get on our callback list. Please note: calls may be returned from a phone line/phone number other than the 1-800 number.
If you wish to schedule a callback at a specific time, you may also message us via our website or email us directly at: projecthelp@wslc.org.
See the 6 most asked questions.

Eligibility for structured settlement: injured workers must be 50 years old or older and have an accepted L&I claim that is at least 180 days old.
Trainings and Educational Opportunities
Looking for a free training or presentation about the workers' compensation process for your organization or group?
Wanting to learn about basic rights and responsibilities regarding work-related injuries and the claims process?
As of November 2024, we already have dozens of workshops scheduled for 2025 but are able to accommodate more.
Now is your chance to secure a training session or presentation by getting on the Project HELP Director's Calendar.
Call our office to make requests or use our contact form.
Project Help Bilingual Services
Our office provides bilingual services.
Contact our office for more information.
(Press 1 for Spanish)
Updates & More!
DOSH complaints can now be filed and submitted online.
The online capability for filing complaints, is available in both English and Spanish, for reporting alleged safety and health hazards and/or for workers who believe they have been retaliated against because they have exercised their workplace safety and health rights.
To learn more click here (English)
H-2A Guest Workers in Washington State
Labor and Industries and the Division of Occupational Safety and Health released three videos (English/Spanish) which provides important information about their rights in the workplace, safety and health and workers' compensation
Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Don't have a problem but need some general questions answered or want an overview of the claims process?
We help with that too!
Send us a message to schedule a callback at a specific time that works for you, so you can be relaxed and prepared.
*Please note: we are not able to receive visitors to our office and our claims-assistance services must be provided over the phone.*
*To help improve our outreach efforts, we encourage those who contact Project HELP to inform us how they became aware of our services (L&I website, general online search, referral by union, referral by clinic, referral by other organization, informational flyer, etc...)*

Call at your convenience to speak with a Claims Specialist
T: 800-255-9752*
E-mail us to schedule a call with a Claims Specialist
*Please leave a voicemail if we are experiencing high call volumes at the time of your call
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