Our Program and Services
Free Workers' Compensation Education and Assistance

One-on-one claim guidance...​Project HELP provides resources and guidance to injured workers in Washington state. We can walk you through the claim process, and help you understand your rights and responsibilities within Washington state's workers’ compensation system.
​Our office can give you the tools and information you need to navigate your claim through the Labor and Industries system, work to expedite claims resolution for English and Spanish speaking individuals.
We work in collaboration with department staff and a liaison to provide individual claims assistance on your behalf.
The objective is to help increase your awareness and ensure that your rights are preserved as you progress through your claim.
Project HELP staff can help you with your vital questions and concerns.

Claims Support
The Washington workers’ compensation system provides important benefits to injured workers and their families who have suffered a work-related injury or occupational disease, which can seem daunting and troublesome. Not being prepared can have a great effect on your claim.​
Typically, claims are resolved without any problems, but when a combination of complex laws and claims issues come together, it may create a situation that is anything but normal. Knowing how Washington's workers' compensation processes works will help you to make informed decisions and help ensure access to benefits to which you may be entitled. If you are at the Board we can only provide very general information and cannot provide direct services for your appeal or legal representation.
​We provide balanced and reliable information, giving ordinary people the opportunity to understand their rights responsibilities in easy to understand terms.

Education & Training
In conjunction with Labor and Industries representatives, we provide various educational opportunities throughout the entire state.
Our free seminars, workshops, and other educational programs offer a fundamental view of the workers’ compensation system. Programs cover a broad range of assistance; from claim filing procedures, workers' rights and responsibilities, return-to-work opportunities and other informational topics presented in an unbiased format.​​
All educational formats can be modified to meet your specific needs and audience: workers, clients, union stewards and representatives, patients, and more.
Our trainings can be either online or in person at your physical therapy clinic, union hall, business office, etc...
We accept requests for multiple workshops or a continuing series of workshops, subject to calendar availability. Plan ahead and get on our calendar today!
For more information or to schedule a workshop, please contact our office.
Project HELP is a free resource for injured workers, unions, employers, and other interested parties.
We provide information and assistance regarding entitlements under the Workers’ Compensation Laws of Washington State, Revised Code of Washington, (RCW) Title 51. ​
The goal of Project HELP is to facilitate early claims resolution, and to not only get benefits to injured workers quickly, but also "ensure they get the medical treatment they need to return to health and employment."
Through Our Toll-Free Line We Can Help By:
Providing information about rights and responsibilities within the claims process
Offering education and information on both state fund and self-insured claims
Assistance for English and Spanish speaking communities
Informally assisting anyone in resolving benefit disputes
Explaining the claims process, protest & appeal rights
Helping to reduce unnecessary litigation
We cannot represent you on your claim and we cannot do claim-related tasks on your behalf
We are not able to advise you if you are represented by an attorney or if your claim is at the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals
We cannot provide legal advice or medical advice
Project Help is available to help you with your vital questions and concerns in an unbiased manner.
If you have filed a claim and wish to speak with us about it, please note:
While the Project HELP staff have security clearance to view state fund claim files and can provide claim-specific guidance, we will not represent you on your claim or do claim-related tasks for you. We give you the tools and information for you to manage your own claim or navigate the claims process.
If you have chosen to be represented by an attorney, you should contact them for any questions as they are likely to have the most up-to date information regarding your claim. If you are represented by an attorney and do contact us, we can only provide general information and must refer you back to them for any claim-specific questions out of respect for the
attorney-client relationship and so as to not interfere with their guidance or other services to you.
You may contact us at:
*Please leave a voicemail to get on our callback list if we are unable to pick up at the time of your call.