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Contact Us
Call us to discuss your workers' compensation concerns or schedule a free group training or workshop!
Tel: (800) 255-9752*
*Please leave a voicemail if we are experiencing high call volumes at the time of your call
Jessica Gallardo, Director
Kathy Petruzzelli, Sr. Claims Specialist
Emmanuel Carrillo, Bilingual Claims Specialist
Cherie Wagaman
Project HELP Liaison / Outreach Specialist
Wa. St. Dept. of Labor & Industries
You may use this form to:
1. Schedule a call back to speak with us about your workers' compensation questions or claim issues.
2. Schedule a free workshop or training for your organization, business, or group regarding any aspect of the workers' compensation process. You may also request multiple workshops or a continuing series of workshops, subject to calendar availability. Plan ahead and get on our calendar today!
3. Request that we set up an informational table at your event, convention, or conference.
4. Request free Project HELP brochures to include in your referrals network for your clinic, office, or organization. (Or, see the sidebar of this page to download an electronic copy.)
For Workshop/Training Requests:
1. Fill in your contact name, phone number and email.
2. Please Enter Yes > the Workshop or Training Request Box.
3. Workshop, Training, Presentation or Seminar in the Subject line.
We will follow up to schedule your educational training session subject to available dates.
Thank you.
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